Short Bio
Stefan H. Verstappen is a Canadian author, researcher, and adventurer. He is author of eight books and numerous magazine articles.
For a full list of Stefan’s work see Bibliography.
Medium Bio
Stefan Verstappen is a Canadian author, martial artist, and speaker renowned for his expertise in survivalism, self-defense, and practical philosophy. Verstappen’s journey has been marked by a deep exploration of traditional wisdom, survival skills, and understanding human nature.
With a background in various martial arts disciplines and extensive training in survival techniques, Verstappen has become a respected figure in the fields of self-reliance and preparedness. His experiences have led him to write books such as “The Art of Urban Survival” and “The Thirty-Six Strategies of Ancient China,” offering insights into survival strategies, urban preparedness, and timeless wisdom.
He combines his practical knowledge with a philosophical outlook, emphasizing the need for both physical and mental readiness in an ever-changing world. Verstappen encourages people to embrace self-reliance, critical thinking, and a deeper understanding of history to better prepare for unforeseen circumstances.
His teachings resonate with those seeking to enhance their survival skills, sharpen their awareness, and develop a more resilient mindset in an increasingly complex and uncertain world. Verstappen continues to share his insights through various platforms, inspiring others to take charge of their lives and prepare for the unexpected.
He has worked as an instructor for St John Ambulance, a wilderness guide, a community organizer, and a martial arts instructor with over thirty-five years’ experience in the martial arts including four years spent studying in China
He is the creator of the viral YouTube documentary, Defense Against the Psychopath, and the Paradise Stolen series and 300 other videos.
Hi Stefan
My name is Warren Connors and I live in Australia.
I live on and own an off grid permaculture farm and we are quite self sufficient on 2.5 acres of land with my current wife and 2 children.
This country is also being flushed down the dunny on purpose.
Im almost 65 years of age and at 23 I was a sanyassin and through Bagwan Shree Rajneesh discovered jiddu Krishnamurti and George Gurjeff, as Rajneesh refered to them often.
This was 1983 and I was aware of the power elite and the vested interests back then.
I’ve also been taught bushcraft skills by a professional teacher and I loved learning bushcraft.
Also, Ive been doing martial arts and boxing since I was 15, not so much now haha.
To get to the otherside of what’s happening and coming to me will require life skills,spirtual awareness, emotional control and intelligence to name a few.
I’m of Irish,Itallian and Polish jew decent.
I don’t and haven’t inquired about the Polish jew part as I’m not interested but I have explored the Irish and Italian cultures which are wonderful.
I guess my point is the old saying about which wolf you feed and if you have awareness on the inside then you have compassion on the outside.
Well, take care Stefan
Kind regards Warren
Hi, Warren. I think you the first person that ever. Posted a comment on my website. I don’t usually check this. And I just sort of found it by accident. Well, we certainly seem to have a lot in common. And yeah, both our countries are being flushed down the toilet by the. Communists. Yeah, I’m 68 now. And still fighting.
If you want to write me again, I would suggest that you use my e-mail address because I don’t check these comments on my website very often, so I might miss it next time. Anyways, thank you for writing. And take care