Survival Library

Our modern society relies upon a few crucial, yet fragile lifelines. We rely on electricity, oil, a viable currency, the internet, and trusted emergency services. If any one of these lifelines were disrupted it could cause a domino effect that would quickly spiral into a short or long term societal collapse.You may have to be prepared to survive without the availability of food, clean water, medical care, gasoline, electricity, natural gas, or security.

Now you can download a complete  library of over 300 Survival books and manuals that will teach you how to survive just about any Emergency, Disaster or Catastrophe from three days, to three years!

Also includes all of Stefan’s books including The Art of Urban Survival, The Way of the Warrior, and  The Household Cyclopedia of Useful and Domestic Arts, and more

Knowledge is your best survival strategy. Most experts recommend carrying a survival manual in your emergency kit, but no single book could provide enough information to survive every scenario.

Survival Library allows you to take a whole library of survival books with you anywhere you go on your preferred media device or flash-drive.

 List Price:   US$79.00

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Survival Drive Table of Contents

Each Survival Library download includes the following books categorized under the Five Essential Survival Needs, making it easy to find the information you seek.


Disaster Preparedness

  1. Are You Ready? An In-depth Guide to Citizen Preparedness, FEMA, 2004, 205pgs
  2. Surviving Survivalism, 2012, 310pgs
  3. Urban Bug Out Bag, 27pgs
  4. Disaster Preparedness Handbook, 2005, 40pgs
  5. Disaster Preparedness For Seniors, 32pgs
  6. The Ultimate Preparedness Manual, 2012, 458pgs
  7. The ABC’s of NBC Warfare Survival, 2002, 64pgs
  8. A Handbook For Cooperative Fieldworkers In Developing Nations 1978


  1. First Aid Emergency Care for the Injured, 2008, 103pgs
  2. First Aid Manual (FM 21-11) Army, Navy, Air Force, 2002, 224pgs
  3. Emergency War Surgery Handbook NATO, 2000, 305pgs
  4. Absolute Beginner’s Guide to Alternative Medicine, 2004, 382pgs
  5. Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 2003, 14pgs
  6. Handbook of Medicinal Herbs, 2002, 893pgs
  7. Edible And Medicinal Plants, 2001, 112pgs
  8. Where There Is No Doctor: A Village Health Care Handbook, 1992, 505pgs
  9. Natural Antibiotic Alternatives, 45pgs
  10. Communicable Diseases After a Disaster, 2006, 19pgs
  11. Infectious Diseases in Childcare Settings, 2013, 142pgs
  12. Complications Of Pregnancy And Childbirth, 2008, 426pgs
  13. Pregnancy Infant Health, 2011, 44pgs
  14. Survival Nursing, 2000, 158pgs
  15. Where There Is No Dentist, 2010, 240pgs
  16. Emergency First Aid for Cats and Dogs, 2008, 190pgs
  17. First Aid And Emergency Care For Dogs And Cats, 56pgs
  18. Infusion Therapy and Infusion Therapy and Peripheral IV Insertions, 2007, 126pgs
  19. Sutures and Suturing, 2012, 56pgs
  20. Giving Safe Injections, 2005, 43pgs
  21. Giving Medicine by Subcutaneous Injection, 7pgs
  22. A Barefoot Doctors Manual
  23. A Book for Midwives 2009
  24. General Surgery At The District Hospital 1988
  25. One Way of Making Colloidal Silver 2007
  26. Simple Dental Care For Rural Hospitals 1971
  27. Stitches Sutures ETHICON Wound Closure Manual 2004
  28. The Tooth Trip 1980
  29. Where There is No Dentist 2009
  30. Where There is No Doctor A Village Health Care Handbook 2009
  31. Farming And Gardening For Health Or Disease Soil And Health 1939


  1. Ultimate Guide to Wilderness Living, 2008, 330pgs
  2. The Household Encyclopedia, 1881, 710pgs
  3. Seven Primitive Survival Shelters That Could Save Your Life, 7pgs
  4. Shelters, 1995, 20pgs
  5. How to Build a Bomb Shelter, 1963, 7pgs
  6. How to Build a Underground Fallout Shelter, 2015, 56pgs
  7. Tarp Shelters, 2008, 61pgs
  8. How to Build a Storm Shelter, 2005, 70pgs
  9. How To Build A Safer Shelter, 2009, 16pgs
  10. The Cob Builders Handbook, 1997, 183pgs
  11. Helping Children Cope with Disaster, 2004, 12pgs
  12. Preparing for Disaster for People with Disabilities and other Special Needs, 2012, 20pgs
  13. Disaster Preparedness Pets and Animals, 2012, 16pgs
  14. Jon Boat Plans, 1964, 3pgs
  15. The Zero Fossil Fuel Rocket Stove Heater, 2013, 15pgs
  16. Soap making, 8pgs
  17. Cooling with Ventilation, 1986, 82pgs
  18. Candle Making, 7pgs
  19. Solar Water Heating with Low-Cost Plastic Systems, 24pgs
  20. Scout Engineering, 2008, 32pgs
  21. Improvised Towers, 16pgs
  22. The Art of Tanning Leather, 1857, 276pgs
  23. Weaving Looms, 107pgs
  24. Weaving on a Cardboard Loom, 4pgs
  25. Your Basement Fallout Shelter
  26. Dome Construction Plans 2004
  27. How To Build An Oil Barrel Stove 1976
  28. A Woodstove Compendium 1981
  29. Capturing Heat Cooking 2006
  30. The Complete Book Of Heating With Wood 1974
  31. The Complete Midge-1 Down-Draft Gasifier Stove Instructions 2005
  32. Wood Stoves How To Make And Use 1999
  33. A Solar Water Heater Workshop Manual 1979
  34. Manual On The Construction Of A Solar Water Heater_2004
  35. Alternative Energy Refrigeration 2004
  36. Charcoal Making For Small Scale Enterprises Training Manual 1975
  37. Community Backyard Composting Can Reduce Waste 2007
  38. Compendium In Solar Cookers And Food-Dryers 2nd Edition 1999
  39. Co-Operative Organization An Introduction 1977
  40. Environmentally Sound Leather Tanning 1991
  41. How To Build A Safe Effective Wood-Fired Hot Water Heater 2001
  42. Rope Making 2004
  43. Ropes Knots Ladders Lashings And Anchorages 2003
  44. Simple Methods Of Candle Manufacture 1975
  45. The Wood-Ax 2004


  1. Household Water Treatment, 2011, 44pgs
  2. Treatment of Drinking Water, 2000, 76pgs
  3. A Guide to Raised Bed Gardening, 2002, 17pgs
  4. Guide to Growing Vegetables, 2009, 36pgs
  5. Home Vegetable Gardening, 2001, 136pgs
  6. Making It On The Farm 2002
  7. Bio intensive Farming and Gardening, 2008, 50pgs
  8. Vegetable Gardening, 2010, 64pgs
  9. Canning Foods, 2008, 50pgs
  10. Principals of Home Food Preservation, 28pgs
  11. Backyard Aquaponics, 2011, 187pgs
  12. Aquaponics, 2006, 28pgs
  13. Aquaponics Growing Fish and Plants Together, 2007, 76pgs
  14. Horticulture Handbook, 1995, 28pgs
  15. Greenhouses for homeowners and gardeners, 2000, 217pgs
  16. Solar-Heated Greenhouse, 4pgs
  17. Proposed Solar-Wind Powered Greenhouse Ark 2004
  18. Edible Plants Of The World, 1919, 775pgs
  19. Edible Wild Plants, 2007, 14pgs
  20. Useful Wild Plants, 1920, 45pgs
  21. Raising Water Fowl, 1919, 20pgs
  22. How To Raise Ducks For Food, 1996, 40pgs
  23. The Book Of Geese 1981
  24. Keeping And Razing Rabbits 1998
  25. Guide to Raising Healthy Chickens, 2011, 4pgs
  26. Raising Healthy Poultry Under Primitive Conditions
  27. Practical Poultry Raising 1981
  28. Raising Rabbits for Meat, 2001, 122pgs
  29. Small-scale freshwater fish farming, 2008, 84pgs
  30. Fish Culture In Ponds, 1999, 32pgs
  31. Basic Fishing Methods, 2005, 41pgs
  32. Fishing Tips 2004
  33. Fishing Basics, 2pgs
  34. A Beginner’s Guide to Fishing, 11pgs
  35. How to Make Solar Cookers, 2004, 58pgs
  36. Build your own solar oven, 6pgs
  37. Camp Fire Cooking, 9pgs
  38. Stove Can Burner 2008
  39. Winiarski Rocket Stove 2003
  40. Simple Plans For The Sunken Pot Aprovecho Stove 2003
  41. Emergency Cooking Stoves, 41pgs
  42. Simple Plans For the Aprovecho Double Burner Rocket Stove 2003
  43. Design Principles for Wood Burning Cook Stoves, 2002, 40pgs
  44. How to make a hand pump, 2012, 28pgs
  45. Introduction to Micro-irrigation, 8pgs
  46. Moonshine Still Plans, 2001, 78pgs
  47. How to Distill Quality Alcohol at Home, 1999, 94pgs
  48. Feeding Infants, 2013, 38pgs
  49. Campfire Cookbook, 2011, 40pgs
  50. Whole Grain Baking, 2006, 46pgs
  51. Minimalist Home Cooking, 2010, 97pgs
  52. Small-Scale Oilseed Processing, 2001, 24pgs
  53. Capturing Heat Cooking 2006
  54. A River of Recipes
  55. A Beekeeping Guide 1989
  56. The Beekeepers Handbook 1978
  57. Bee Keeping Handbook 1982
  58. A Planning Guide For Small Scale Livestock Projects 1984
  59. Artificial Salmon Spawning Marine Advisory Alaska 1914
  60. Backyard Composting 1975
  61. Build This Sturdy Large-Capacity Food Dehydrator 2001
  62. Build Your Ark 1996
  63. Dry It You Will Like It Food Dehydration 1974
  64. Fish Catching Methods Of The World 1984
  65. Goat Health Handbook 1983
  66. Homemade Distillation Apparatus 2003
  67. How To Make A Solar Still Plastic Covered 1973
  68. Oil From Seeds 2003
  69. Permaculture II Practical Design For Permanent Agriculture 1979
  70. Raising Healthy Pigs Under Primitive Conditions 1985
  71. Small-Scale Pig Raising 1985
  72. Raising Healthy Rabbits Under Primitive Conditions
  73. Raising The Home Duck Flock 1982
  74. Sheep Health Handbook 1983
  75. Small Backyard Greenhouse 2004
  76. Solar-Heated Greenhouses Conference 1977
  77. Solutions To Refrigeration When Electricity Is Scarce 1999
  78. The Basic Book Of Organic Gardening 1971
  79. The Nursery Manual 1922
  80. Vegetable Production Under Arid Semi Arid Tropical Africa 1988
  81. Wine Making 2002


  1. Orienteering with Map and Compass, 36pgs
  2. Orienteering instructions, 8pgs
  3. Orienteering Field Expedient Methods 2004
  4. Reading Topographic Maps, 16pgs
  5. Topographic Map Symbols, 4pgs
  6. Map Reading and Land Navigation 2001, 209pgs
  7. Terrain, Maps, And Direction, 7pgs
  8. Using Lensatic Compass, 16pgs
  9. How To Avoid Getting Lost, 2013, 23pgs
  10. Urban Search & Rescue Guide, 2006, 124pgs
  11. Light USAR Operations, 43pgs
  12. Mountaineering Techniques (Advanced), 2003, 78pgs
  13. Mountain Bike Search and Rescue, 2006, 44pgs
  14. Military Mountaineering, 2002, 328pgs
  15. US Army Survival manual (FM 21-76), 387pgs
  16. The Warrior Ethos and Soldier Combat Skills, 2008, 316pgs
  17. Insurgencies and Countering Insurgencies (FM 3-24), 2014, 202pgs
  18. Combined Arms Operations in Urban Terrain (FM 3-06.11), 2002, 722pgs
  19. Booby Traps (FM 5-31) 1965, 40pgs
  20. How to Disappear in America, 1998, 54pgs
  21. How to Master Secret Work, 1984, 33pgs
  22. Nuclear War Survival Skills, 1987, 510pgs
  23. Ranger Handbook, 2006, 327pgs
  24. Survival, Evasion, Resistance And Escape, 2008, 97pgs
  25. Survival, Evasion, and Recovery, (FM 21-76-1) 1999, 106pgs
  26. Visual Signals (FM 21-60), 1987, 72pgs
  27. Camouflage, Concealment, And Decoys, 2010,88pgs
  28. USMC Close Combat. 1999.113pgs
  29. Psychological Operations In Guerrilla Warfare, 1984, 64pgs
  30. Small Unit Night Fighting, 1996, 89pgs
  31. Canadian Firearms Safety Course,2008, 271pgs
  32. Rifle Marksmanship U.S. Marine Corps, 2001, 117pgs
  33. Rifle Marksmanship U.S. Army, 2008, 418pgs
  34. Fundamentals of Handgun Shooting, 2006, 9pgs
  35. Basic Pistol Shooting Techniques, 10pgs
  36. Combat Training With Pistols, M9 And M11, 2003, 92pgs
  37. Basic Hunting, 2005, 68pgs
  38. Trapping Furbearers, 2011, 112pgs
  39. Ten Best Traps, 1985, 134pgs
  40. How To Make: A Replica Native American Bow, 11pgs
  41. Hunting with the Bow and Arrow, 2003, 522pgs
  42. Hunting With The Bow & Arrow, 2005, 207pgs
  43. The Hunters Handbook 1885
  44. Common Cloud Names, Shapes, and Altitudes, 14pgs
  45. How the Weather Works -and how to forecast for it, 2008, 85pgs
  46. How to Make Biodiesel from Pure Vegetable Oil, 3pgs
  47. Alcohol Fuel 2001
  48. Alcohol Fuel Manual 2004
  49. Alcohol Fuels 2002
  50. Batteries And Primitive Survival E-Book 2008
  51. Animal Tracks 2004
  52. Basic Blacksmithing 1993
  53. Practical Blacksmithing 1116 pages 1889-91
  54. The Modern Blacksmith 1974
  55. Biodiesel Vegetable Oil 2001
  56. Biofuel Technology Handbook 2007
  57. Biofuel Technology Handbook Version2 2008
  58. Make Your Own Biodiesel 2004
  59. Deadfalls and Snares 1907
  60. From Fryer To Fuel Tank 1999
  61. How to Trap and Snare 1909
  62. Traps 2004
  63. The Trappers Guide and Manual of Instructions 1887
  64. Rappelling 1997
  65. The Bicycle Builders Bible 1980
  66. The Handcart Handbook 1985


  1. List of 10 Codes, 1pg
  2. Operating your HAM Radio in an Emergency, 2005, 4pgs
  3. The No-Nonsense, General Class License Study Guide -HAM Radio, 2007, 53pgs
  4. Amateur Radio No-Code Technician Study Guide and Workbook, 2003, 34pgs
  5. The No-Nonsense, Technician Class License Study Guide -HAM Radio, 2010, 49pgs
  6. A Comprehensive Study Material for the Ham Radio Enthusiasts, 2003, 111pgs
  7. Radio Communications In The Digital Age Volume One: HF Technology, 1996, 53pgs
  8. Antenna Construction, 1997, 183pgs
  9. Amateur Radio Emergency Service Manual, 2005, 92pgs
  10. Tactical Single Channel Radio Techniques, 1987, 186pgs
  11. Scanner & Ham Radio Frequencies, 67pgs
  12. Amateur Radio FM Repeater Basics, 2007, 8pgs
  13. Build Your Own 12 VDC Engine/Generator, 1994, 5pgs
  14. DIY Guide to Building your own Generator12v Battery Charger, 2009, 12pgs
  15. Building the Basic PVC Wind Turbine, 2007, 14pgs
  16. DIY Wind Turbines, 2003, 11pgs
  17. Do it Yourself Wind Turbine, 2001, 26pgs
  18. Up cycle your PC fans into mini wind generators, 2007, 5pages
  19. Solar Power 101, 1990, 86pgs
  20. Solar Power, 2003, 38pgs
  21. Small-scale Water Current Turbines. 2010, 24pgs
  22. Pedal Power Generation. 2012, 5pgs
  23. Wood Gas Generator, 1989, 66pgs
  24. Micro Hydro Electric Power 1983
  25. Wood Gas Generator for IC Engines, 1989, 120pgs
  26. Art of Covert Communications, 2008, 16pgs
  27. Emergency Power for Amateur Radio Stations, 2010, 40pgs
  28. A Good to Use Low Head AC Turbines Manual_2003
  29. Build Your Own 12 Vdc Engine-Generator 1994
  30. Build Your Own Turgo Power Plant 2005
  31. Compendium Of Small Hydro-Power 2002
  32. Converting Automotive Alternator Into Pm Alternator 2007
  33. Do-It-Yourself Hydro-Power Survey-By 2001
  34. Electro Plating For The Amateur 1976
  35. Experiments With Homemade Batteries 2005
  36. Finalizing A Hydro-Electric Installation 2001
  37. Fundamentals Of Delco Generators 2006
  38. Harnessing Water Power For Home Energy 1978
  39. Home Made Solar Cells By Screen Printing 2003
  40. Installing A Hydro System 2001
  41. Lessons In Electric Circuits DC 2005
  42. Micro-Hydro Power Reviewing An Old Concept 1979
  43. Pico-Hydro-Power Using A Cordless Drill As DC Generator 2005
  44. Pictorial Handbook Of Technical Devices 1971
  45. Practical Photovoltaic Cells And How They Work 1982
  46. Salt Water Battery 2005
  47. Small Michell Banki Turbine Construction Manual 1979
  48. Small Scale Hydropower Technologies 1999
  49. Small Wind Generators And Charge Controllers 2003
  50. Wooden 100 Watt Windmill 2002
  51. Water Mill Drawings 1973

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